The Post-Virgin Leh Diaries - Part 5

What They Don’t Tell You About Riding On The Roof Of The World . V Get ready for great roads but with high temperatures. From a jarring introduction to Chandigarh with potholed roads for 20kms it was a welcome relief to ride on the smooth roads of the plains. Although we were sure the road would go easy on us, we were aware that the heat certainly would not. Luckily we got cloudy skies with intermittent showers and sparse traffic. Whew. I’d heard that other riders had to stop every 10 to 20 kms to water themselves down to cool off from the blazing heat. Make sure you drink those Manali wines before you depart from Delhi. We’d ridden 1,500kms, 500 of them with glass wine bottles – apricot, peach, plum, strawberry & grape, all without breaking a single one – through the twists and turns of the Manali Mountains and then on Chandigarh’s traffic-ridden roads. We rode through potholes, muck and grease with the added weight. Yes, lots of care was taken. So whe...